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Bakery School – workshop for special needs girls

In August two major activities were running parallel at the bakery school:


The girls attending the bakery school course have just finished their sixth week and have now started practical sessions, making basic dough preparations such as bread, choux pastry and puff pastry. We have a very committed group of 10 girls and are confident they will successfully complete the course.


The workshop for special needs girls ran in August. The two-week program was designed to teach the basics of a pastry kitchen and we hope it will have sparked an interest in pursuing a career in pastry and bakery.


Though this program was open for any special needs girls, our goal was to get a group of eight to 10 girls interested in starting a three-month bakery and confectionery course in early December, in line with our goal to expand the operations of the bakery school.


This group will learn cake decorating, chocolate creations, confectioneries etc, and on completion we will assist the girls to find employment in pastry shops, snack outlets and small restaurants, and encourage them in self-employment enterprises.

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