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RoundTrip Xmas Appeal – 2019-20

Our Xmas Appeal is over and we raised $3,280. These are valuable funds, as our bakery school project is in desperate need, with the terrorist bombings keeping tourists away from Sri Lanka. The loss of tourism equates to a large loss of funding for the project.

We still require substantially more money in order to fund the first semester of 2020, which begins in February. As long as funding can be found we look forward to putting 12 young women through the bakery school course in the first semester of 2020.

With more than 90% of graduates from the bakery school finding employment, and 65% of the girls reuniting with their families as a result of our mediation service, it is crucial that we keep this very successful project running.

If you are interested in making a donation to the running costs or purchase of equipment for the bakery school, we would be very grateful. Even small amounts will make a huge difference.

For more info about the bakery school from Janaka, the in-country project director, and from some of the students, please see the introductory video.

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