Responsible Travel
The more thoughtful and well intentioned your choices are,
the more satisfying your journey will be.
Responsible Travel – Taking the Lead

Wondered how to help save endangered rhino? Want to know how to find safari lodges operating on accredited eco principles? Is it okay to take photos of local people? How do I give back to local communities? Does responsible travel really matter?
These types of questions can be difficult to answer. RoundTrip is making its website a source of responsible travel information for the travel community… By providing links to some of the best sources on the Web, and advice and tips from experienced travellers and professionals working in the travel industry, we’ll help you plan a trip that has a positive impact on local communities, habitats and wildlife.
A journey taking the local environment, culture and people of your destination into account is so much richer. And…there’s a better chance it will still be there for future generations to enjoy.
The links to useful responsible travel resources on the Internet, with handy summaries accompanying them, are already on this webpage. We have also begun populating our Responsible Travel Stories page with articles from a range of talented writers in the travel industry. These well researched and first-hand accounts provide solid advice and a unique insight into modern travel and its potential to benefit both conservation and local communities.