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Updates from our current projects
Plans for the bakery school – July 2017

Plans for the bakery school – July 2017

Volunteer Sri Lanka, our project partners, are making plans to start two new streams of students in the bakery school: girls with special needs; and girls from impoverished households.

Tough times hit families in Zambia

Tough times hit families in Zambia

Times are very tough at our project at Tikondane in the community of Katete in eastern Zambia. This is largely due to sharply increased food and petrol prices, drought conditions and less revenue for Tiko.

Bakery school students have graduated!

Bakery school students have graduated!

The 2017-18 class at our bakery school in Sri Lanka have all graduated. The students did really well and we are as pleased as punch for them. Congratulations girls – enjoy your graduation!

Bakery school update – May 2018

The bakery school continues to inspire us, and provide a hugely positive impact for its students both past and present; 60 girls have now graduated from the bakery school…

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