RoundTrip Foundation
Helping travellers to give back
Have a positive impact upon peoples and local communities
on your next overseas trip.
RoundTrip is a volunteer-run Australian development NGO that has an international focus. Our aim is to harness the power of travel to fight poverty.
Our firm belief is that all travellers – from backpackers to cruise boat junkies – can have a positive impact and change the world, by travelling responsibly, and making donations of either money or their time.
We believe that giving back from your travels – especially if you’ve been in developing countries – is essential to complete your journey.
RoundTrip advocates for responsible travel; and we establish and support grassroots programs in Africa and Asia that deliver sustainable change to local communities .
Give back and complete your journey…
Our Current Projects
Community Internships in Zambia

The Tikondane Internship Program is training 14 young Zambians to become community leaders. Its purpose is to secure the future of Tikondane, by ensuring it is locally managed. It also provides employment for locals (jobless rate here is 80%).
The Bakery School in Sri Lanka

The Bakery School program helps to get the lives of young women, who have suffered sexual and violent abuse, back on track. It provides these women with the training, confidence and real employment opportunities for achieving financial independence.
Pastoral Women’s Council, Tanzania

The Pastoral Women’s Council, with the support of RoundTrip, is constructing a social enterprise near Arusha. The aim is to build a retail outlet selling original handicrafts to tourists, with the profits flowing back into local development work in the immediate area.
Period Pants project in East Timor

RoundTrip Foundation has distributed forty sets of period pants in Timor-Leste (East Timor) to young women at university and also young women with disability. Period pants are a new product on the market making a huge difference to young women.

Volunteer in Melbourne or Abroad
Challenge yourself and experience the deep sense of satisfaction from giving back through volunteering – the work is incredibly rewarding. You may just find yourself making a career out of it!

Donate Today - It's Tax Deductible!
You don’t need to spend a fortune to help out. Even small donations really do go a long way when they are well-targeted. Driving sustainable change at a local community level.
Latest Stories
Tracking mountain gorillas in the post-pandemic era
Gorilla trekking is carefully managed in Africa, with limits on the numbers of visitors allowed on treks, the distance to be kept between the people and the primates, and the amount of time permitted in the company of the gorillas. And then Covid-19 happened, bringing a far greater challenge in gorilla protection.
The unexpected joys of a slow safari in Botswana
After two years and two Covid-induced cancellations, my partner Will and I finally made it back to Botswana’s Okavango Delta last month (February 2022), commissioned to write about ‘slow safaris’ as part of the post-pandemic concept of ‘travelling back better.’
Break the Bias – International Women’s Day
Mao Zedong famously said that “women hold up half the sky”. Mao didn’t say / It doesn’t specify that women only hold up the low value parts of the sky – there are no ‘low value’ parts, the sky is a whole, the clouds as necessary as the sun, the moon as necessary as the air. All equally essential.