Bakery School – October 2017 Update

October is one of the harder months in the teaching structure, as students need to absorb a lot of learning and, importantly, demonstrate that they can maintain high quality standards in their baking. Some sessions in the past few weeks had to be extended, giving time...
Bakery Graduation!

Bakery Graduation!

At our bakery school in Sri Lanka, the 2017-18 class of girls have all graduated (the 7th batch of graduates to do so, since we began in 2014). Half of the class did exceptionally well in both the final oral and practical exam, with average marks of more than 90%. We...
Our Eighth ‘Batch’

Our Eighth ‘Batch’

Our eighth ‘batch’ of bakery students have settled in well and have now completed the first seven weeks of their studies at the Sri Lankan bakery school, having begun the course in early March. During the second week the group were fortunate enough to attend a...
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